Life Safety Functions: Smoke Control

The control of the movement of smoke, also called particles of combustion, is vital to preserving life and providing safe evacuation. Smoke inhalation is the main cause of death as a result of fire and the ability to control it will save lives. Smoke control is dependent on various building and life safety systems operating in concert. HVAC systems, fire and smoke dampers, fire doors and exhaust fans all contribute to the movement of smoke. The building design is also a factor and will be discussed in this module as well. Smoke control is achieved when the movement of particles due to combustion enhances the preservation of life during a fire.

Product Description / Course Objectives

At the conclusion of this course, the learner will be able to:

  1. Describe the components of smoke and the forces that govern its movement.
  2. Identify the techniques employed to control airflow by pressurization, purging and building design.
  3. Recognize HVAC codes that govern smoke control and equipment used to prevent the movement of smoke.
  4. Determine when fire doors are required and how their operation controls smoke movement.
  5. Recognize smoke control equipment symbols on electrical and mechanical blueprints and determine their use.


Credit Hours: 2


Approved for CEU Credit in:

Alabama, Colorado, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana,  North Carolina (Locksmith), Tennessee QA, Texas